Restaurant World Forums

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2 posters

    Having issues with the forum?


    Posts : 24
    Join date : 2012-05-24
    Age : 33
    Location : USA

    Having issues with the forum? Empty Having issues with the forum?

    Post by MeganLorraine Fri Jun 22, 2012 9:18 am

    Check for your problems here:

    If your question is not answered, feel free to leave a comment here and we will get back to you ASAP!

    Here is a quick reference guide:
    (compiled by Naris and MeganLorraine)

    How do I register for this forum?

    Trouble logging in?

    How do I change my settings?
    At the top of the page, click "Profile". Different categories under this will allow you to change things such as your avatar, signature, timezone, message settings, and friends.

    What is my Avatar?
    Your Avatar is the small picture to the left of your posts representing you and your username. It can be made by you and uploaded under your "Profile", "Avatar" page. The max width for avatars is 100px.

    What is my Signature?
    This is an image or collection of words that will display automatically after each post you make. You can change it by going to "Profile", "Signature". Please attempt to make it a correct size so it will fit on the posts without stretching them off the screen. This signature is meant to be short and sweet, not a long essay about yourself.

    I keep getting emails and I don't want them!
    Click "Profile" and then "Preferences". Under this tab you will be able to change if you want to receive email updates and notifications for things like new messages and new posts for topics you are watching. If someone is harassing you, please block them under the "Friends and Foes" tab as well as reporting them to one of the moderators or administration. Please attempt to include the email that was sent to you by that person.

    I keep getting Private Messages and I don't want them!
    If you click the "Profile" button and then "Preferences" you can turn on or off the ability to receive private messages from members. It is recommended that you leave it on in case someone wants to contact you! If someone specific is bothering you, go to your "Friends and Foes" area under your profile and add that person to your "foes" list. This will prevent them from sending you messages of any sort.

    I keeping getting messages on my profile board and I don't want them!
    If you click the "Profile" button and then "Preferences" you change who can post messages on your board! all members, friends, nobody, or even hiding that tab.

    I can't send a private message!
    1) You have not registered or are not logged in
    2) That person has blocked you from being able to send them a private message

    What is my ranking and reputation?
    These are seen under your mini profile on each post. Your title and stars are your ranking and your reputation number is the total positive and negative votes you have been given for your posts.
    For more information on how each of these work, visit:

    The times on the forum don't match my time!
    The times on the forum have been set to UTC. This mean you would need to know how your timezone compares to Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) time. Such as, Eastern Time is UTC-05:00. This is done because UTC is used as a time reference for all zones and since everyone is from all over the world, using UTC is an easier way of understanding time.

    I want to change the time to match my timezone!
    Good! Go to, "Profile", "Preferences" and scroll down close to the bottom. There is a drop down menu there where you can easily select your timezone. This will change all times to match your zone! If the time is slightly off it is probably because you are between two timezones or due to daylight savings time changes.

    Last edited by MeganLorraine on Tue Jul 03, 2012 1:15 am; edited 7 times in total
    Dish Washer
    Dish Washer

    Posts : 19
    Join date : 2012-06-24
    Age : 26
    Location : Thailand

    Having issues with the forum? Empty Re: Having issues with the forum?

    Post by Naris Mon Jun 25, 2012 1:16 am


      Current date/time is Mon Sep 09, 2024 7:13 am