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    How To Register For The Forum


    Posts : 24
    Join date : 2012-05-24
    Age : 33
    Location : USA

    How To Register For The Forum Empty How To Register For The Forum

    Post by MeganLorraine Wed Jul 04, 2012 2:26 pm

    1. Click "Register"
    2. Click "I accept"
    3. Fill in a user name, a valid email, and a password
    4. Fill in the same password again
    5. An activation email will be sent to you
    6. Click the link in the email to automatically active your account
    7. Log in
    8. Enjoy!

    Registration is set up with email activation so that people cannot make multiple accounts!

    What does that mean?
    When you register you will receive an email from the forum with an activation link. After clicking this link, you will redirected to the forum where it will automatically active your account! All you have to do now is sign in!

    How To Register For The Forum Regist10

    Why should I register for the forum?
    It's completely free! As a guest, you can see posts. As a member, you can reply, send private messages, add friends, increase rank, increase reputation, add suggestions, ask for help, and much more!

    Does it cost anything?
    Nope! It's free to join!

    Choose a username that you would be proud to be called over and over again.

    It says my email has already been used?
    If this is true, then you already have an account! Please contact MeganLorraine through Private Message in order to find out the username you have claimed if you cannot remember. If you are positive that you have not registered and that someone else has used your email, please make sure to contact MeganLorraine ASAP.

    Question guide compiled by MeganLorraine and Naris.

      Current date/time is Mon Sep 09, 2024 5:57 am