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    Trouble Logging In?


    Posts : 24
    Join date : 2012-05-24
    Age : 33
    Location : USA

    Trouble Logging In? Empty Trouble Logging In?

    Post by MeganLorraine Tue Jul 03, 2012 1:15 am

    I'm having trouble logging in!
    1) Your username or password may be incorrect. Please reference the original email you were sent when you registered.
    2) If you have been harassing people you account may have been deleted by an administrator. (If this happens, you will be sent an email first to tell you about it)
    3) If you use Internet Explorer, it may be the system's cookies not letting you.
    1. Close out Internet Explorer.
    2. Right-click the icon for Internet Explorer (the blue e on your desktop computer), select the Properties.
    3. Click the Delete Cookies-> OK.
    4. Click the Delete Files button, check the Delete all ... -> OK.
    5. Click the Clear History-> Yes.
    6. Click OK.
    7. Launch Internet Explorer and log in again to try again.
    4) If you are still having problems, please contact MeganLorraine through Private Message.

    I forgot my password!
    Easy! Go to the log in page and follow the "forgot my password" link. If this still doesn't work, please Private Message MeganLorraine who will be able to assist you from there. Smile

    I just registered but I can't log in!
    This forum requires email activation of account. When you register, an email is sent to you with an activation link. Click this link and it will redirect you to the forum and active your account. All you need to do after that is log in and enjoy!

    I don't want to log in every time I visit!
    When you log in, there is a button that you can click that says "log in automatically". If you check this box, you will be logged in as that user every time you visit the forum on that computer. This is recommended for private computers but not recommended for public computers such as ones at the library.

    (Complied by MeganLorraine and Naris)

      Current date/time is Mon Sep 09, 2024 7:18 am