Restaurant World Forums

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3 posters

    Suggestions for game

    Dish Washer
    Dish Washer

    Posts : 2
    Join date : 2012-07-27

    Suggestions for game Empty Suggestions for game

    Post by luisa84 Fri Jul 27, 2012 12:34 pm

    Hey everyone Razz ,
    I´m super excited about this new game cheers(I can´t wait). Well my suggestions are: after login 5 days straight receive cc's and after 30 days login straight receive a special collectible, and after 5 special collectibles a rare and unique collectible that would need something that you could only get by using cc´s.Create food stores that allow us compare prizes and choose the most convenient. Make the restaurant bigger and taller(so items like elevators or stairs could be buy with cc´s).A place where for example I can sell my stuff to the highest price offer by ano- ther player who would be competing with other players to get (buy) my items, ingredients,etc on sale.A spinning wheel with daily prizes,challenges,minigames(match3) to get rare ingredients,the oportunity to design our restaurants(from color walls, floors,windows, etc.)and characters( face, hair, clothes).I understand that you won´t be able to include everything from the beginning but this is what came to my mind(for now).
    Dish Washer
    Dish Washer

    Posts : 8
    Join date : 2012-07-19

    Suggestions for game Empty Re: Suggestions for game

    Post by jasper2317 Wed Aug 08, 2012 9:43 am

    I love your ideas! Especially the idea of making the restaurant taller.
    Dish Washer
    Dish Washer

    Posts : 3
    Join date : 2013-04-21

    Suggestions for game Empty Re: Suggestions for game

    Post by VClipser Sun Apr 21, 2013 2:57 pm

    I was also thinking of the same thing about the stairs and elevators. For a user-friendly feel and look. I want this game to be complete but I know they can't put all of our requests at once.

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